Out of School Programming

River Rafting Programs

GPI helps engage youth in learning about river-based ecology and local history while experiencing the joy of recreating in their backyard through place-based learning. Students learn about the skills involved in rafting while also participating in team building exercises that in turn empowers as well as strengthens communication and leadership skills.  

Rafting on the Sauk River.

Rafting on the Sauk River.

Canoeing Programs

Similar to the River Rafting program, this introduces youth to canoeing as a form of recreation as well as a way to learn about the area’s rivers, natural habitat, history and cultural significance of canoeing to the local tribes. Additional goals include empowerment, leadership and communication.

Canoeing at Frog Lake.

Canoeing at Frog Lake.

Mountain Biking Programs

Youth are introduce to mountain biking on the North Mountain Biking Trails! GPI provides the bikes and helmets, and after a quick ride to the trails, youth are encouraged to go on the green trails at their own pace. Youth can also spend this time looking for native plants and working on their identification skills.

Biking down North Mountain

Biking down North Mountain

Hiking Programs

Youth are provided a range of hiking opportunities suited for all skill-types to learn about the area’s ecology and local history. GPI arranges for a diverse group of experts on these subjects to join the students while also enjoying the thrill of being in the great outdoors. Having the ability to touch, smell and even taste what grows in our mountains make science all the more fun!

Exploring Ashton Creek.

Exploring Ashton Creek.

Foraging Programs

Similar to the Hiking Program, students will explore trails rife with chanterelle mushrooms, learning how to identify, sustainably pick, and properly cook them. They will have the opportunity to learn about not just the general ecology of the mountains and valleys, but also about the historical importance of mushroom hunting to the Darrington and tribal communities for many generations.

A volunteer demonstrates how to identify mushrooms.

A volunteer demonstrates how to identify mushrooms.